Tuesday, February 03, 2009


大年初一 didn't start off with the usual bang as previous new yrs.. Somehow this yr lacked the new year mood and I was really reluctant to get dressed and get involved in the usual 'act-friendly' time of the yr..

Maybe nxt yr I will 避年 with Cher and Loti.. :P

All dressed up...

First stop was ah ma's place followed by the old folk's home where my great grandmother, aged 92, resides.. There were alot alot alot of distant cousins when we arrived and I was feeling rather awkward so I ran around chasing rabbits instead..

Nxt stop was my grandfather's brother's home. More commonly known as the pistachio nut place. :D

Cousins Olivia and Angelica with Alisa..

Trix, me and Brian!

Olivia's 福.

Trixie's 福.

Lunch time was at a vegetarian restaurant coz my mother has this 初一十五 no killing policy.

Mock abalone and salmon!

Lou Hei~!

Huat ah!!!

My very happy grandfather.

Equally happy grandmother!

The appetizer platter!

Kailan my FAVOURITE!

Fake fish tt costs so much! 0_o"

Fake redang chicken.. Spicy!

Fried tofu skins...


Olive fried rice.

Tang Yuan for tuan tuan yuan yuan! :)

The cousins then came by to 拜年. So ppl all cramped up in my living room!

The newly renovated outdoors..

The pond is replaced by an acquarium.. Nice rainbow! ^^

Ah por acting cute!

The iron kiwi birds mama imported.. Supposed to represent our family with the parents and I'm the biggest chick. Hehehe!

Trix serving the guests.. The goodies this yr v cute hor? Hv the country-style checkered cloth.. :P

Scrumptious dinner!

I love pork shabu shabu! V thin and tender!!

The mushroom garden for the vegetarian mother. Haha!


Sidetracking, all the emails I sent out to my "contacts" late last night, HV GATHERED SOME REPLIES!!! Haha.. Even my Shanghai boss is gonna give me a testimonial for wrk conduct. Woots~!



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